Understanding Lock Picking

Hello, my name is Sharon. Welcome to my website about lock picking. When I rushed out of my home to chase my dog, the door slammed behind me. I thought nothing of it until I returned, pup in hand, to find my door locked. I spent the better part of the afternoon attempting to pick the lock and then calling on a local locksmith to get me in my house. Since then, I have studied up on lock picking and the services locksmiths can provide, as I find the process fascinating. I hope to inspire you to learn more about this interesting subject.

Looking For A Gun Safe? 4 Features You Need To Pay Attention To


Everyone knows that a gun should be kept from people's view. However, this does not mean keeping it in your garage, closet, or cabinet. You need to have top-quality safe to ensure your firearms are safe from damage and thieves and to avoid getting into legal trouble. As with other things, it is normal to have a preference when looking to buy a gun safe. Check out the features you need to look for when buying a reliable gun safe.

1. Relockers

Thieves have come up with better and more advanced ways to break into gun safes, which is why you should buy a gun safe with relockers. Relockers are an extra layer of protection that locks your gun safe when thieves successfully pick or break the lock. This means thieves will not access your firearms even after destroying the lock. For enhanced security, it is advisable to invest in a gun safe with both external and internal relockers.

2. Fireboard

Thieves are not the only threat to think about. You also have to think about fire hazards. This means buying a gun safe with as many fireboard layers as possible. While a safe with a thick steal and more fireboard layers may cost you more, it will buy you more time in the event of a fire to help you retrieve your firearms undamaged. Seek help from a reputable gun safes shop. They will have the newest collection of fire-rated gun safes and can help you make a viable purchase.

3. Multidirectional Protection

Thieves will try anything to access your guns. If they cannot pick your locks, they will try prying the door. This makes it all the more important to buy a gun safe with multi-directional protection. The safe has locking bolts on more than one side to discourage thieves from prying your gun safe door because they know it might take an eternity to do so.

4. UL Listed Locks

To keep your weapons safe from intruders, you need a safe with advanced locks. And what is a better shot at this than buying a gun safe with a UL-listed lock? This is a lock that meets reliable standards for strength and durability. A gun safe with a UL lock can withstand various attacks, such as drilling and picking to keep your firearms out of burglar's reach. This can give you peace of mind even when you are miles away from home.

If you are in the market for a new gun safe, now you know what features to keep in mind. But if you are still unsure what gun safe to buy, do not hesitate to consult a leading gun safes shop. They will advise you and help you find a quality gun safe for your firearms. For more information on gun safes, contact a company near you.


13 October 2022